They raised their voices together in prayer to God. Acts 4:24

As the church prays, God will do amazing things, because it’s He alone who will act, but He has asked us to show our faith through prayer and He is delighted to answer the fervent prayers of His children.

The fourth thing we see in a praying church is that there will be faith to expect miracles.

Acts 4:30 boldly states, “Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

Where prayer is exercised God breaks in with His supernatural acts, – His ‘signs and wonders’. These Christians prayed that God would stretch out His hand to heal and that He would perform miracles. But some Christians today think the days of miracles are past! Are they? Some say that the Apostolic signs are no longer required and therefore we shouldn’t expect to see miracles performed. Often times, I’m afraid that this is a way of excusing our prayerlessness and perhaps justifying the fact that we’re not seeing God perform His miracles. The fact is that when the Church prays miracles really do take place. Miracles are accomplished in the spiritual realm; souls are saved, and even desperate people come to Christ. In the physical realm God is also pleased to heal the bodies and minds of His children, guard and protect us when we are unaware and direct situations and circumstances to accomplish His will.

Fifthly, in a praying church the Holy Spirit manifests His presence and power (verse 31).

In verse 31 we read, “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”

Prayer is the secret of every outpouring if the Holy Spirit. This particular outpouring occurred after the Day of Pentecost, and it continues to happen today. As we study the great revivals of history, they all started with fervent, believing prayer. Prayer is the secret. 

If we want to see the Holy Spirit move in our midst, let’s pray, and pray, and pray. Let us give up ourselves and allow the Holy Spirit to take over.  We will be amazed at what the Lord will do in our personal lives and in our church.