The announcement by the angel that Jesus had risen and was no longer in the tomb caused great fear among many, which later turned to overwhelming joy for those who knew Jesus. What is our response, knowing Jesus is alive?
What does “here comes Jesus” mean to you? For some, it brings consternation because they are resisting Jesus. For others, they are words of joy for the new life he has given to us and for what we are anticipating when he returns again.
Jesus never commands us to do something impossible. He showed us how by loving us first. We are to express the love he has filled us with, not only to our neighbors, whom we get along with, but to our enemies as well.
Jesus deals with integrity, telling us that our word should be our bond. He also illustrates how we, as children of the kingdom, should not retaliate, but rather how we should live our life, having died to self.
In a day when the sanctity of marriage is under attack and commitment no longer seems to be a high value, Jesus reminds us how serious God is about the marriage relationship. We need to guard our hearts because sin starts in the heart.
Jesus looks at the heart issues, rather than the outward sinful acts. Murder starts in the heart with anger, and therefore, in God’s eyes, the two are equally sinful.
Jesus wants to be clear that if we follow him and enter into his kingdom, persecution (for his sake and because of lives of righteousness) is inevitable. This is a wonderful proof that we are truly part of his kingdom.