People are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment. Hebrews 9:27

            We’re all growing older (whether we admit it or not!), and along with aging comes an increase in doctor’s appointments.  We have appointments with medical doctors, optometrists, hearing clinics and many others.  It’s easy to get confused with so many things going on as well as simple things like “Did I take my vitamins and prescription medications today or not?”  Sometimes this confusion can cause us to forget appointments…which can be very embarrassing.

            There is, however, a very important appointment coming up for all people, believers as well as non-believers. The time of this appointment as been set by God, but we don’t know the day nor the hour.  It’s a personal appointment and no one can take our place. Our verse in Hebrews 9:27 indicates the importance and finality of this appointment that awaits each one of us.

            Job said,  All the days of my hard service I will wait for my renewal to come (Job 14:14).  It’s apparent that he didn’t fear his unknown appointment, and as believers, we don’t have to either.  As we watch the events of the world unfold, and compare them with how Scripture describes the signs of the times, it’s easy to be fearful. But we need to remember Psalm 23:4 where David said, Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.  That word of encouragement wasn’t just for David.  God made sure that was in Scripture for all of us, to encourage us to trust Him, knowing that we don’t have to be afraid.  I can almost hear the Apostle Paul shouting out as he wrote: “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”…But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:55,56).  What an encouragement!

            When we were preparing our last flight home to the States from India, we had to do a lot of planning and preparing ahead of time.  We had to pack what was necessary making sure our suitcases weren’t overweight. We had to make sure our passports and tickets were in order and make sure we had a taxi lined up to come in plenty of time so we could go through all the scans, x-rays and weighing of our suitcases, comparing tickets with passports, getting to the right terminal on time.  Our “last flight to our heavenly home” also takes planning and forethought.  It’s even more important to plan ahead, because we don’t know our departure date or time.  We need to be ready so we won’t miss that appointment.  That ticket is paid by the blood of Jesus, but God expects us to be diligently working up to the last moment – working in His field of choice for us.  Let us make sure that we aren’t just going through the motions hoping to be ready.  Our lives need to be right with Him with our tickets bought by His blood.  Are we sure we have that ticket?  I’d hate for anyone to miss that appointment because they waited too long.  The ticket is free for the asking – the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord  (Romans 6:23).