James 5:16 The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

My wife’s grandmother used to fervently prayer for each of her grandchildren and she had  5×7’ photos of each of them on a book shelf.  She also had a small plaque that read: “Prayer Changes Things.”  She would place that plaque in front of the grandchild that she felt, at any given moment, needed the most prayer.

As our first Core Value of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, Prayer is our first work, because we know it works and it changes things.  Anything we pray for that aligns with the Father’s plan will be granted.  And the more time we spend with Him, the more we’ll come to understand His will and how to pray for it.

Some requests are granted immediately just because our Father loves to give us good gifts.  Other requests may require time or certain preparations before they can be given.  Meanwhile, we must patiently persevere, remembering that prayer transforms the believer’s heart.

Whatever the Lord’s response or timing, we must trust that He has the best in store of His children and for His church.  That means that we might not receive what we’re asking for – but something much better.  God alone perfectly knows each heart’s desire and how best to fulfill it.

Prayer is our most powerful tool for shaping the world around us, including our own nation, and its always available!  As we give attention, time, and perseverance to conversation with the Father, we will find that there is no limit to what He can achieve in people’s hearts and circumstances.

There is one caveat, and that’s found in James 5:16: The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.  We need to make sure our lives are right with God in order for prayers to be effective or even in order for God to hear.  Isaiah 59:1,2 says, 

            Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.

If we want changes, let’s make sure our lives are righteous before God and pray fervently.