“…so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many;  and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin,but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” Hebrews 9:28

As incredible as the first Christmas was, I’m looking forward to the second Advent even more…the day when the Lord Jesus will return again!  Did you know, that for every verse in the Bible that spoke of Jesus’ first coming, there are eight verses that speak about His second coming.  But that day will look very different from His first Advent.

In His first coming, Jesus entered our world as a helpless babe in a manger, but in His second coming, he will return in all of His glory.  In His first coming, Jesus was a man of sorrows, but in His second coming, he will wipe away every tear.  And on that day, those who loved Him and loved His appearing, those who diligently worked and waited for Him, will experience joy unspeakable.

As you continue to celebrate this Advent season, are you ready for the ultimate Advent?  The same God who fulfilled His promise to send a Savior will fulfill His promise to rescue His people once again.  I don’t know when King Jesus will return, but I often wake up thinking, “Today might be the day!”  Won’t it be wonderful to see Him face-to-face?  His is coming for us, and it won’t be long. Are you ready?

There’s an old hymn in which the chorus says,

            Coming again, Coming again,

            May be morning, may be noon,

            May be evening and may be soon!

            Coming again, Coming again;

            O what a wonderful day it will be –

            Jesus is coming again!

The Beauty of the Gospel

Comparing the Two Advents of Christ

He came in humility  (Lk 2:16)He will come in power and glory  (Mt. 24:30)
He hung helplessly on a cross (Jn 19;18)He will sit on the throne of judgement  (Rev. 20:11)
He was a willing victim  (Jn. 10:18; Mt. 53-54)He will be the ultimate victor  (Rev. 17:14)
He was forced to bow His head  (Mk. 15:19)Every knee will bow before Him  (Rev. 5:13)

(Portions taken from an Advent Devotional written by Michael Youssef)