Then Queen Esther answered and said, “If I have found favor in your sight, O king, and if it pleases the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request.”Esther 7:3

In the battle for civil rights for African American citizens in America, three names stand out: Frederick Douglass, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King Jr. Each, in their own way, stood out against racial prejudice and helped change the course of American history.

A young Jewish girl named Esther changed the world when she was made queen of Persia. A courtier of the king hatched a plan to kill all the Jews in Persia, and Esther risked her life by exposing the plan to the king, saving her people from certain genocide. She realized God had given her a voice, and she spoke up (Esther 4:14). 

Another example was Nehemiah who approached the Persian king (after the events of Esther) for permission to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls of the city—another risky request, which was granted.

John the Baptist was “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord.’” (Luke 3:4).

God has given us a commission as followers of Jesus Christ.  Go, and make disciples of all nations.  We may wonder how God could use ‘little ‘ol me’ to do anything significant.  But He can…because He is God. He knows exactly who He wants each one of us to touch in a personal way with the love of Jesus Christ.  It may not be hundreds or thousands, but to God, one is significant, and He wants you and I to touch them.

One person can change the course of history in a day. God has given us a place and a voice to stand for Him.  For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7).