We just went past May 1st which is typically known as “May Day.” “May Day” can mean different things in different situations and different parts of the world.  For example, “May Day” is a European festival marking the beginning of summer.  “Mayday” is also an international distress call which actually came from the French m’aider (“help me!”).  The U.S. formally adopted “mayday” as a distress signal in 1927.  It is often called out just before a plain or a ship goes down with little to no hope.

There are often times in our lives that we may have wanted to call out, “mayday!”  It might have been over something big or something minor, but whatever the situation, it was overwhelming.

Whenever someone goes through a disabling physical incident, physical therapy is often required.  Some of our folks know all too well what that’s all about.  A doctor or physical therapist might say, “This event in your life is going to take two years to resolve. But at the end of your physical therapy, you’ll have a healthy and fruitful life.”

We can face changes and challenges in our lives, even chaos, if we have confidence and instruction on how to make it through.  When Jesus prepared to leave earth and return to the Father, He told His disciples, “In the world you will have tribulation.”  That sounds daunting and discouraging; how would they survive the future?  But Jesus didn’t end there.  He also said, “But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world!” (John 16:33).  In other words, the future will be challenging, but I am telling you ahead of time so that you will persevere. Nothing can separate you form My love. (Romans 8:31-19).

We live in life-changing times which will likely become even more challenging. Let’s remember that Christ has already overcome the world and He promises to be with us, strengthening us to the very end of the age!

E. Stanley Jones in one of his devotionals wrote:  “If you don’t surrender to Christ, you surrender to chaos.”