Because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore, he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” Hebrews 7:24-25

Have you ever know a time when you were in a very difficult situation, or sick, or even in a gloomy mood…kind of a mysterious sadness hovering around you? And then it dissipated! Or your situation all of a sudden resolved itself, or you felt better.  It’s likely somebody was praying for you. Sometimes we have the privilege of finding who it was. But, the prayer of another can affect our dispositions and drive away the oppression the enemy may be bringing upon us.

Now, consider the power of the prayers offered by the Lord Jesus for you. The verse in Hebrews 7:25 tells us that He always intercedes for us.  That’s amazing!  He is actually interceding on your and my behalf, praying for our protection and safety, as well as through our successes and failures. 

We can see a sample of His prayers whenever we read His words in John 17 when He prayed passionately to His Father for His disciples.

Let’s be thankful Jesus is in continual prayer on our behalf. His prayers can chase away the gloom. And let His example inspire us to pray for somebody else. Our prayers can lift and encourage somebody today.